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Tiles wastage

Tiles wastage
Tiles wastage is the processing waste of the tiles that is created during the laying phase.
This waste occurs during the processing of the tile for laying near the corners, near the windows, near the doors or, in the case of non-perpendicular walls, to adapt the tiles to the ceiling.

Knowing how to predict and calculate tile wastage is essential to order the right amount of ceramic material and thus save unnecessary costs.
The calculation of the wastage is essential to evaluate the total square meters needed to cover floors and walls during construction or renovation.

The tile wastage to be considered is even more important when using decorations and laying different tile formats on both the wall and the floor.

The OneTile team follows the customer in this delicate purchase phase and the installation teams are experts in safeguarding and preserving the tiles to optimize construction or renovation works and thus keep material for future interventions.