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Private Villa with Sicis Mosaic Decorations

A refined style that seeks to distinguish itself from the usual cliches

Blue is a leitmotif in all the rooms, creating a refined style that seeks to distinguish itself from the usual cliches, an ever-present touch of colour to break up the dark tone of the ceramic floor that perfectly references the appearance of wood, with all its veins, knots and streaks. Dove grey and beige mix with bold colours, like orange and violet. This house dares to break the sombre trend of the last decade.

Floor and wall tiles used

Main flooring: Rex porcelain stoneware tiles, "Selection Oak" series, Black colour, 20x120 format mixed with format 15x90
Master bathroom flooring: Sicis glass mosaic flooring, Natural Earth colour
Master bathroom wall tiles: Sicis glass mosaic tiles, Murano Titanium 0 colour